Last night I went to the George Winston concert in Indianapolis. He did a great show (and performed my favorite pieces, "Moon" and "Thanksgiving") and has definitely developed and changed his style a bit over the years. I hung out after the show and finally met my mentor. George Winston is to me as Henry Butler is to George Winston. I've seen George in concert four times, but did not want to meet him until I could give him professional recordings of my work. I introduced myself and thanked him for being such an inspiration. He sparked my creativity and is the reason I started composing when I was a kid. George is a sincerely nice human being and very down to earth. He loves to joke and has some fantastic stories. If you didn't know, he started on his piano career path after falling in love with The Doors in 1967. He said he had to get himself and organ and head out on the road. Before he took off last night he started giving music lessons to my baby girl (still in the womb) by playing his harmonica and talking loudly of which note he was playing. :)